Swiss Navy Testosterone Trigger Body Builder Diet Pills
Product Code: HM-1005
Availability: In Stock
RS. 2,950/-

Product Code: HM-1005
Availability: In Stock
Swiss navy testosterone trigger male herbal medicine sex enhancement pills Specification : 60 tablets per box Swiss Navy Testosterone Trigger® The Ultimate Blend to Build A Leaner, Ripped Body! A supreme blend of 14 components to boost, stabilize, and free up testosterone Powered-packed with ingredients such as Tribulus Terrestris, Xanthoparmelia, Cnidium Monnier, Damiana and Macuna Pruriens-Stimulant Free! An advanced potency formula designed fora dual purpose - to build lean muscle mass and increase sex drive. Q. What does the pill do and how does it work? A. The pill inside the bottles of our Swiss Navy® Testosterone Trigger™ are designedfor men who are sensitive to stimulants but still would like to enhance their sexual performance. Swiss Navy®Testosterone Trigger™ are testosterone boosters for men to increase sexual desire.It also helps men who work out regularly to build lean muscle mass and burn fat.After the age of 40, men start to loose testosterone at the rate of about 1% per year. Loss of testosterone isa major reason why men gain weight, feel tired, lethargic, and have a decrease in sexual virility. Swiss Navy®Testosterone Trigger™ can help replenish testosterone levels, making men feelyouthful and virile. We strongly recommend this product be taken daily for best results! Q. What happens if a man stops taking Swiss Navy® Testosterone Trigger™? A. If a man stops taking it, his testosterone levels will decrease back to what they were before. Hisenergy level, ability to burn fat and build lean muscle mass will also return to what they were before hestarted taking Swiss Navy® Testosterone Trigger™. Q. Is Swiss Navy® Testosterone Trigger™ safe to use witha medical condition? A. Swiss Navy® Testosterone Trigger™ is stimulant-free so it is safe for men to takewho are sensitive to stimulants. We recommend that anyone with medical questions or concerns consulttheir doctor before taking any of our products.Swiss Navy® Testosterone Trigger™. Specifically made stimulant-free for men who are sensitive to stimulants. Contains Saw Palmetto for prostate protection. Great for men who work out and want to lose weight and build lean body mass. Immediate result: increased energy and stamina after first dose. For maximum results this product should be taken daily. Can be used with any other M.D. Science Lab product.